Pure PHP blockchain built for Web


About PHPCoin

Why another coin?

While many coins are just designed to build, gain interest, give fast profit to owners and exit as potential scam, phpcoin will tend to develop through a large developer community who can contribute to the project.

Also phpcoin is designed as some kind of "green" coin which is tend to solve issue of heavy mining algorithms by utilising its own and unique elapsed proof of work (EPOW)

Phpcoin is built on the web based platform which is easily understandable to a wider number of developers. It explains basic blockchain principles and allows people to understand its full purpose not just for earning profit.

In that way phpcoin will implement decentralized apps and databases and smart contracts written fully in well known and popular language php.

How to get started


Download wallet

Create your account (wallet) on any of decentralized network nodes. or download Linux or Windows Wallet.


Mine coin

Easily earn PHPCoin from your browser or mine directly in your wallet
Enter your address and start mining right away.


Join community

Join community, to stay informed with latest news and further development, or contribute to team of developers

PHPCoin Features

What differentiate PHPCoin from other cryptocurrencies?

Open and easy

Built on the web based platform which is easily understandable to a wider number of developers. It explains basic blockchain principles and allows people to understand its full purpose.

Lightweight coin

Designed as "green" coin which is tend to solve issue of heavy mining algorithms by utilising its own and unique elapsed proof of work (EPOW), minable with any web browser.

Built for web

Creates a network of nodes which while keeping the network secure, hosts decentralized apps, and earn rewards for its services


  • Q3 2021

    Startup (Alpha)
    Closed and open testnet launch. Building of main apps and services. System architecture development

  • Q1 2022

    Mining phase (Alpha)
    Combined earning with mining and hosting masternodes. Development of smart contract and tokens.

  • Q1 2023

    Mainnet launch
    Launch of mainnet blockchain. Listing on exchange

  • Q3 2023

    Smart contracts
    Development and utilization of Smart contracts

  • Q4 2024

    Smart contracts
    ERC-20 Tokens and launch on mainnet

  • Q2 2025

    Smart contracts
    Development of Web3 ecosystem: Dapps, DEX, NFT-s